How to Finance Health Roundtable

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Americans spend on health care more than double the per capita average of high-income countries yet many health outcomes in the U.S. lag considerably. How can society as a whole finance health rather than health care? Who should lead this effort, which is arguably the most pressing societal need?

These questions were debated in October 2023 at an NEJM Catalyst roundtable discussion, which brought together experts with different perspectives: 

  • Carolyn Clancy, MD, Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks, Veterans Health Administration
  • Rushika Fernandopulle, MD, MPP, Instructor in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
  • Wayne Jonas, MD, President, Healing Works Foundation
  • Hoangmai (Mai) Pham, MD, MPH, Founder and President, Institute for Exceptional Care

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About Healing Works Foundation

Healing Works Foundation’s mission is to make whole person, integrative care regular and routine. Led by Wayne Jonas, MD, HWF partners with a diverse group of wellbeing innovators. It creates platforms, processes, programs, tools and services to support and magnify insights and innovations in healing and whole person care principally in primary care and oncology.

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